The Diocesan and the School Anthems, STC NSUKKA

Listen to the school anthem stanza 1 and 2

DIOCESAN ANTHEM (full verse)
In unity and truth and love
We pledge to serve the Christ O guide
Our royal goes to Nsukka Diocese
The land of peace and wisdom seats

Our great banner is a priceless pearl,
The fruit of our noble heroes,
In the name of God, we shall build,
And pass her name to ages through
Oh! Lord, O God we implore your aid,
To bless and guide our noble cause,
In building our diocese
Where all shall live and share in love.

COLLEGE ANTHEM (full verse about the )
In brotherhood and peace and love
We pledge to serve and hommage to pay
St Teresa's College, our mother's home,
The citadel where we are formed.

We are the fruits of this great school,
the pride and sweat of her noble of founders.
We shall strive with all might and mind to be
the light of justice and peace.

We are the nation's future hope,
sent to be drilled and schooled
and shaped in this school,
a golden prize to be the light of justice
and peace.
We implore your help Almighty God to bless
and guide these great heroes
who built this school that reared us through.
Bless also those who passed through here.

Listen to the Diocesan anthem